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Having A. Ball, and a net, and a whole lot of other things at Sonoran Science Academy.

Having A. Ball, and a net, and a whole lot of other things at Sonoran Science Academy.

Alec Ball teaches P.E. at Sonoran Science Academy and requested new equipment, gear, new basketball nets, and a Gaga Ball Pit so that students could have the "time of their lives" in P.E. class. The Rotarians in the Rincon club have all had life times of some sort, and are very supportive of athletic pursuits, so we helped him out.

The Rincon Rotary's support is part of its Rotary LOCAL program, whose mission is to help improve the local community through educational outreach. Rotary LOCAL can provide manpower, resources from local business partners, or in some cases, direct financial support to teachers who apply for assistance. Rotary LOCAL is funded in part by our annual Taste of Chocolate event, a great way to sample local sweets and help teachers at the same time.