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Rincon Rotary Delivers Movie Making Equipment to Tanque Verde Elementary

Rincon Rotary Delivers Movie Making Equipment to Tanque Verde Elementary

Wendy Hobbs, President of Hobbs Investments, delivers a video camera and external microphone to Tanque Verde Elementary School.

Mrs Hensel incorporates student-made movies into her cirriculum to better engage her class in the learning process. This equipment will be used to help her third grade students understand math and many other topics.  The Rincon Rotary is honored to lend support to this creative approach to teaching.

Rincon Rotary's support is part of its Rotary Local Program, whose mission is to help improve the local community through educational outreach. Rotary Local can provide manpower, resources from local business partners, or in some cases, direct financial support to teachers who apply for assistance.

To find out more about Rotary Local and how it may be able to help you, go to rotarylocal.org

For information about becoming a member of Rincon Rotary, contact Dave Rickert at: dave.rickert@gmail.com