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Local Book Stores Lead the Charge on Kellond Elementary

Local Book Stores Lead the Charge on Kellond Elementary

Kellond Elementary 3rd Grade Teacher Michelle Schikling submitted a proposal to the Rincon Rotary's Rotary LOCAL program asking for Civil War books for 3rd graders. Using Bookmans and Mostly Books, the Rincon Rotary Club was able to purchase all the books on her list, and spent less money than they would have at an online retailer.

The Rotary LOCAL Program's mission is to help improve the local community through educational outreach. Rotary LOCAL can provide manpower, resources from local business partners, or in some cases, direct financial support to teachers who apply for assistance.

To find out more about Rotary Local and how it may be able to help you, go to rotarylocal.org

For information about becoming a member of Rincon Rotary, contact Dave Rickert at: dave.rickert@gmail.com